Friday, September 25, 2020

UK Core Issue: How Do We Distribute Covid Vaccines?

     With the winter months quickly approaching and a possible increase of Covid-19 cases, there is a race to create a vaccine. However, as the early trials begin testing, there will be a limited amount to use for proper vaccination. By introducing COVAX, the pillars in leading Covid-19 aids, facilities will be able to create successful vaccinations in the coming months. Although the COVAX website states that "Nobody wins the race until everyone wins.", specialists and doctors must start distribution somewhere. At first completion, there will only be enough sustainable supplies for one-third of the population in Fayette County, KY. According to a 2020 census, the county currently withstands 323,809 civilians. Based on the guidelines, only 107,936 people will be able to receive the vaccine, but who? The most effective plan of vaccine execution would be to distribute to the demographics that are most at risk in Lexington. Research on Covid-19 can conclude that Black and Latino Americans are the most high-risk for obtaining Covid-19. Both ethnicities make up the majority population of the working class but still lack economic growth. The introduction of the Covid-19 vaccine will mean that immediate supplies, according to The Economics of Vaccines (Wall Street Journal), will initially be free or at a reduced cost. To ensure the successful transportation of the vaccine, my medical team will construct a "pop-up clinic" in the low-socioeconomic area, to make the process more accessible to the public. The next step would be to endorse the vaccine within the second most at-risk patients, the older generation. I would continue advocation for the transportation "meds on wheels" where vaccines are administered throughout Fayette County, KY. From this step, the vaccine will become available to the younger population in hopes of increasing immunity. Although the supplies can only be rationed to one-third of Fayette's population, according to The Economics of Vaccines (Wall Street Journal) once production of the vaccine starts, it will become rampant. However, we must take into consideration the anti-vaxxers or the citizens that are physically incapable of attending medical opportunities. As the vaccine first makes its arrival to the medical market, it can not legally be required to receive due to the high ineffectiveness. According to The Economics of Vaccines (Wall Street Journal), during the introduction months of the vaccine, "66% of vaccines are failed." As we enter into a state of unknown, awareness for Covid-19 will be publicized everywhere. To summarize, vaccines will not solve the pandemic but, the current actions of the people of Fayette, and the country, ultimately answer the question as to what happens for the future.

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